He Tikanga me te Tūpāpaku

Per Capita Grant Administration Policy

To download a copy of the Per Capita Grant Administration Policy Click Here

Grant Guidelines

Policy Statement

Maungatautari Marae has adopted a policy to ensure the appropriate administration/dissemination of the Te Manawanui Grant Funding in accordance with the Rules as set out by Tainui and Maungatautari Marae whānau.

As set out by Tainui

  1. The Per Capita Grant must be used for purposes within New Zealand which are charitable according to the law of New Zealand and which:
  2. in respect of members of Waikato:
    • promote the relief of the aged or poor members or those suffering from mental or physical sickness or disability or incapacity; or
    • are for the advancement of their education or learning; or
    • promote their mental or physical well-being; or
  3. promote the educational, spiritual, economic, social or cultural advancement of the iwi of Waikato and its various hāpu including the provision of facilities for recreation or other leisure time activities; or
  4. are otherwise for the benefit Of Waikato

As set out by Maungatautari Marae Whānau

  1. Applications from Individuals can receive up to $500.00 and individuals can apply twice within any 12 month period
  2. Applications from Whānau or Groups can receive up to $1,500.00 and whānau can apply twice within any 12 month period
  3. Project/Initiative/Event Applications can receive up to $5,000.00 and can apply a twice within any 12 month period

Grant Conditions

  1. All applications shall produce an outcome that aligns with the Grant Guidelines as setout above
  2. All applicants shall provide a reportpost payment of the grant and present this either online to the Grant Committee for those who live outside of the rohe, or in person at monthly Marae hui. Please use this template for your report.
  3. The grant committee will stipulate the deadline of the Report with all applicants. First time applicants will be prioritised and all grants are subject to the availability of sufficient funds and at the discretion of the Grant Committee.

Eligibility Criteria

  1. Maungatautari Marae must be the applicants registered Primary Marae on either the Tainui or Ngāti Koroki Kahukura Ben Roll
  2. Reside in New Zealand
  3. Must present proof of costs such as quotes and/or a proposed budget with the application
  4. Application must align to the Maungatautari Marae values outlined on page 4 of the application
  5. Funding can only be used for purchases made afterwritten approval of the grant has been received. Expenses already incured will not be reimbursed

Application Process

  1. Applications are submitted online or to the Grant Committee at to grants@maungatautarimarae.co.nz
  2. The Grant Committee will do an initial assessment to ensure that all eligibility criteria has been met beforeendorsing the application to the Marae Committee for approval and then lastly, restrospectively presented at a Marae hui for information.
  3. All applicants will be notified of the outcome in wriiting within 5 business days.
  4. Applications can be made at any time of the year.For applications of a confidential nature, the applicant can indicate this on their application form. In such a scenario, the Grants Committee will operate discretion in reporting either the applicants name and/or purpose for which the grant is being sought.

Declined Applications

  1. If an application is declined, then a full explanation will be provided by the Grants Committee. The applicant may also request a hui with the Grant Committee.
  2. Declined applications may be tweaked and resubmitted.

Conflict of Interest

Any person involved in making a decision about the allocation of funds must consider and disclose any conflicts of interest to the other decision makers. Where a decision maker is closely related to an application put before the Grant Committee, the person/s must exclude themselves from the decision making process. If a Grant Committee member is involved in the application, the Grant Committee can invite any Marae Committee member to assist with the processing of that particular application.


All decisions about the use of funds will be recorded in writing by the Grant Committee. The Grant Committee will provide a bi-monthlyreport to the Maungatautari Marae whānau at a Marae hui. The report will include

  1. Any applications that have been approved or are currently being considered by Grants Committee.
  2. Current balance of the Te Manawanui grant.

Process Review

The process for administering the Grant Funding will be reviewed yearly by the Grants Committee


The Grant Committee can from time to time as necessary ask a recipient of the Grant to repay any monies given, if they believe without a doubt, that the recipient/s has defaulted on their obligation/responsibility as a recipient of this grant.

Grant Committee

The Grant Committee will consist of three whānau members, with at least one member also being a Marae Committee member. Members will be voted on and decided at a Marae hui. The minimum term of a Grant Committee member is 3 years in line with the Marae Committee. The quorum for this committee is three.

Marae Chair:Poto Davies
Committee Member:Sara Tairi
Kaumātua Representative:Johnson Raumati
Rangatahi Representative:Hinerangi Kara
Whānau Appointed Member:Vacant

Application Definitions

IndividualsThe applicant is the only recipient of the Grant. The purpose of its intended use is specifically for the individual. Where an applicant is under 16 years of age or uncapable of completing the application form, a nominated person may complete the application on their behalf.
GroupsThe applicant is applying for the grant on behalf of a whānau or group. The purpose of its intended use is for the benefit of a whānau or group.
Projects/ Initiatives/ EventsThe applicant is applying for the grant to either begin or advance a Maungatautari Marae whānau driven Project/Initiative/Event. The purpose of its intended use is for the benefit of Maungatautari Marae Whānau.


The Grant Committee reserve the right to re-categorise an application if they believe it is fair and warranted.


Any person may lodge a complaint in relation to this policy, its implementation or an alleged breach. All complaints must be sent to grants@maungatautarimarae.co.nz or any member of the Marae Committee. The complaint will be discussed at a Grant and/or Marae Committee meeting. Unless otherwise advised, a response will be issued to the person within 2 weeks of lodging the complaint.


Per Capita Grant Application for Individuals or GroupsClick Here
Per Capita Grant Application for Maungatautari Marae Projects/Initiatives/EventsClick Here